
Minggu, 27 Mei 2012


"Young people in order to increase consumer awareness, helped reduce consumption of harmful goods, and also eliminate products that are not environmentally friendly." (Boutros Boutros Ghali).
What is meant by the things that is damaging as alcohol and illicit drugs. It was said to be the biggest taboos for teenagers at the moment, because it's very big danger for the future of their own and their nation. When teens begin to recognize proficiency level stuff happens in fear either physical or psychological dependence due to its misuse. The initial phase of juvenile delinquency is social control of those who escaped their parents. then their recognition of the social environment of the booze, which will make them feel an addiction or dependence. Sometimes drinking is still considered missing if they do not know anymore drugs. Examples of drugs that often we know that are like ecstasy, narcotics and psychotropic substances. Each type of drug substance has its own content which is harmful if consumed by our bodies.
As explained by Wresniwiro. M et al. 1999. The problem of narcotics, psychotropic substances and dangerous drugs. Jakarta. Narcotic is a substance that can give rise to certain effects for those who use the put it into the human body. Influences the form of anesthesia, pain relief, stimulation of the spirit and hallucinations or delusions.
When in fact in medicine or health, drug treatment as it works to relieve pain, treatment of stress, depression, and for the operation. If these drugs to be abused it will have a negative or bad for health. Therefore, these drugs should avoid as much as possible or at the destroyed except for medical purposes.
Where do drugs come from? Narcotics began in the know by our nation (Indonesia) since the time of the Indian-Dutch. At that time India brought in narcotics in order to bind its their workers in Indonesia. However, they are using at the time it was just a kind of opium or opium alone. Then start in the know anymore morphine, marijuana and even heroin.
Narcotics do we know there are three kinds, namely the first narcotic derived from nature or natural narcotics. Narcotics are drugs derived nature of the processed crop, as an example of opium, cocaine, and marijuana. Plants used to make this drug is the tree of opium, in Latin called Papaver Somniferum (poppy).
This plant usually grows in the Mediterranean region including Turkey, India, China, and Mexico. opium trees in the process to take its white sap taken from mature plants that have been dried. The results can be a liquid and powder but then a lot of traded in the form of cocoa powder and a very distinctive odor. The powder is in the health field serves to cough sedative and anti-diarrhea medications. In the usage of large doses can cause drowsiness, or could even result in nausea, vomiting, and respiratory depression due to the major toxins from the drug. This medicine will clearly result in users feeling of dependence, as in the case of acute poisoning the nervous system and muscle coordination will be lost so that victims will feel happy because the lack of control in the pronunciation and mobilization. So what they did was completely  unconscious . The more often they use it, then the greater the dose they need.
The second semi-synthetic narcotic that is made
​​with a mixture of chemical substances. In the synthesis of powders in the opium crop with chemical modification. Type of drug used in healthcare for pain relief, those that use a larger dose to calm the animals are large and predatory. Humans often abuse it causing harm over-dose and decreased respiration, it is not due to the human dose. For example heroin, oksicodon .
The latter is narkotikla synthesis, narcotics are made
​​with chemical raw materials from the laboratory. The effects of drug abuse or addiction is a chronic addiction, even in large doses can cause seizures due to the influence of the medicine to be 24 hours.
  Martono. Lydia Harlina. and Joewana. Satya. 2006. Drug Abuse Prevention and control of Based. Jakarta. Says that the drug effect on the brain responsible for feelings of life, called the limbic system. Drugs produce a feeling of 'High' by changing the biochemical composition of the molecule on brain cells called neuro-transmitters. It could be argued that the brain works with the motto "if it feels good do it". As a result, the brain will make the wrong program as if we need them as an assumption for self-defense! Dependence occurs.
All types of drugs can change a person's feelings and ways of thinking. As a result of drug abuse is a change in mood (calm, relaxed, happy, and taste-free), a change in mind (to relieve stress and increase the imaginary), changes in behavior (n pseudo-control, the crisis is settled, free from negative feelings, pleasure false, improve appearance)
Regardless of these negative impacts, it must be admitted that the drugs can meet most of the human need to use it. The reason why they used drugs in them to be accepted in their social environment, reduce stress, reduce anxiety, to be free from a sense of melancholy, reduce fatigue, relieve boredom, to overcome personal problems, and others. But some people say that drugs were bad, the drug makes them feel good.
Whereas in the use of a disturbance  result in impaired function of both one's physical, mental, and social. Physical disturbance is a disturbance in body organs such as heart disease, liver, HIV / AIDS. Psychological disorders such as anxiety, insomnia, depression, paranoia (feeling like I'm in catch-catch). Social disorders such as trouble with parents, friends, school, work, finances, and dealing with the police.
Among the symptoms of drug dependence as a strong desire to continue to wear it, because if it is stopped there will be pain on the body, vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, and others. The higher doses are used and the longer the use, the more severe symptoms of illness. The result is always necessary amount more than the previous usage so that it can occur over dose or even to death.
Drug abuse can be prevented, because it is better to prevent than to cure. The things you can do that is like giving understanding to the general public without exception about what it drugs? how drugs was when to be consumed by our bodies? What are the threats of drugs that for us? Subsequent attempts of explanation will be sanctions for those who violate or dealer and consume them. Then the last stage is to approach or rehabilitation who already wear them, so we insist that all that drug consumption was stopped except for Medical affairs only.

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